We warmly invite you to join us by becoming a member of PCD-DC’s Dharma family. Benefits of membership include our weekly e-newsletter and access to audio recordings of Dharma teachings.
PCD-DC is dedicated to spiritual growth in support of self-realization and world peace. We are a part of Palyul Ling International, a world-wide network of Dharma centers. Your membership ensures the continuing teaching visits of the spiritual masters from the centuries-old lineage of Palyul Monastery, as well as the annual Palyul Summer Retreat.
Two levels of membership are available: The basic level we call FRIENDS of the PCD-DC community. The FRIENDS level is for supporters of our regular, or special, events, and who wish to receive our weekly newsletter but are unable to contribute regularly. FRIENDS receive our weekly update on our teaching schedule, visiting lamas, and other news. To become a FRIEND, go to the contact page and sign-up.
If you regularly participate in PCD-DC events, please consider becoming a SPONSOR, our second level of membership. PCD-DC operates solely by contributions, without which we could not host visiting teachers, meditation classes, and pujas, not to mention basics, such as rent. In addition to their generous support, qualified SPONSORS can obtain access to restricted teachings. Listed below are suggested sponsorship levels to suit your budget. All donations, including SPONSOR memberships, are tax-deductible and are greatly appreciated.
You can become a member by choosing one of the levels below. Alternatively, you can make a one-time donation.
(Please Note: only qualified members (those with empowerment) can gain access to restricted teachings. To access restricted teachings please send a request to palyuldc@gmail.com